Misery Men, Cat With Nine Lives
Somehow I ran into a band called “Dudes of Misery” which featured Snow Bud bassist Nathan Jorg. Nathan is among Chris’ backstabbing friends, sad to say, being as they have played together since the early 1990s. I saw that Dudes of Misery – sounds like a play on “Turds of Misery” – had done a memorial tribute to drummer Sam Henry. I saw they were a spin off of another band called Misery Men. I saw some of Misery Men’s videos. I spent a bit of time thinking about this one
By way of background, I had a dream in 2020 that Sam Henry was in danger from the cancer causing radiation beams that are killing so many musicians, and others. The day after I had the dream, Sam called for Chris and for some reason I picked it up – maybe Chris asked me to answer. I spoke to Sam for a moment and he said goodbye to me in this weird final way that people sometimes do, like they expect me to die. I have been fully aware that there have been murder plots against us, I just didn’t know until after Chris was already gone that the process involved (somehow, I still don’t know the details) reporting to the FBI, but that these reports are financed, and people say and do what financiers want them to say or do. They twist truth, make ups salacious stories, etc. The ultimate goal is to get people killed. And the FBI/CIA goes along with this, probably because it’s their idea in the first place, and/or because they too are getting paid for taking out certain people and not others.
This is a crime covered up in no small part by its audacity. If you don’t already know this is going on, you probably wouldn’t believe it. And even if you do know it’s going on, you are unlikely to draw attention to it, because of the nature of it (retaliatory lies leading to cancer) and who is involved (the Justice Department and the entire health care system).
When I watch the video above, I feel pretty certain that the guys making the video – everyone but Sam – knew Sam was on his way out. One of the things going on in the video is they seem to be pointing to the structure of the crime, giving hints about the system that is being protected through these covert cancer murders.
This video came out Sept 10, 2021. Chris had died four months earlier, on May 9, and to my understanding, Sam did not yet know he had cancer. He would die in February, five months later.
I didn’t see the video until about a week ago, after Sam was already gone, but I could tell from the first frame, this was about murdering Sam. “Out front, let’s get Sam!” in front of a big eye (surveillance symbol). This imagery also seems to link to imagry in the 1992 Pearl Jam video “Jeremy” about a boy who shoots up his school

Next you see this guy who seems to be in the back room of a home or record store, listening to this Napalm Beach album, Fire, Air, and Water (where the song was originally published). Beneath his stereo are two boxes that say RUSH on them.

Flash to this image of their band with Chris and Sam in the middle. One photo has a pot plant in it. Although the song is a Napalm Beach song, it’s increasingly clear that the band Snow Bud was/is especially fetishized. Much of the video takes place at the grave of Andrew Loomis who played drums with Snow Bud as well as with Dead Moon who are also heavily referenced in this video. The bassist of this band, Kelly Halliburton, essentially became Andrew Loomis’ replacement when Dead Moon became Pierced Arrows, and Sam played drums for Halliburton’s other band, Don’t. All of the guys in this band, Misery Men, have been playing music in Portland since the 1990s I think.

There’s a focus on this poster, maybe in part because of the red and white colors which seem to be linked to assassinations, but the way the camera moves, seems to be about to focus in on the name Mudhoney.
The poster is from 1989 and Mudhoney didn’t actually play on this bill …

Camera moves from the poster to this stack of cassette tapes

A view of the posters on the wall – Bad Religion (over Hitler’s face) at La Luna, Black Flag at Starry Night, Devo, Faith No More, Alice In Chains, Tad… Motörhead and Megadeath – Dead Moon on the door. The Napalm Beach album he’s listening to is linked to Flying Heart Records. My contention is all the contracts with this label are fraudulent, because they were made on behalf of outside interests specifically in order to bury the band. Obviously Chris didn’t know this.
This is part of the reason why Chris and Sam were murdered. The desire to get away with, and continue, a global crime and to maintain a global crime network.

A poster for Napalm Beach at the Met, probably from 1981 or 82. Dante’s appears later in the video, it is the same building as the Met. The Met was an all ages club, and in those years it was Courtney Love’s stomping ground.

You see a lot of these mirror reflections which I think refers to presenting or showing someone backwards, or even as the opposite of what they are. False portrayals linked to occult “twin” assassinations by FBI/CIA.


The cat is shown. I think that part of the reason for choosing the song (and showing the cat) has to do with how my cat Roxy is being tortured as a means to punish and traumatize me. And that too is linked to these false stories.

He’s wearing a t-shirt featuring a design taken from Snow Bud and the Flower People original 1986 cassette. (I scanned the cassette cover to make the design for these shirts back in 2010.) The names here are real guys but it also seems to refer to the crime structure – a vortex conductor might be the person who arranges set ups and scripts, creating a vortex to drop people into. If everyone reports that one of their community members is doing terrible things, it must be true, right? Why would so many people (driving new cars and building new homes) lie?
The vinyl dictator probably has to do with how people “sell their souls” to make a record. If you want a record deal or music video, you just need to file some nasty reports with the FBI.
As he walks out, you see a bunch of cars and a brand new wooden fence next door, all of which are rewards people get for filling nasty files with the FBI.

The next scene is at the Candlelight, a bar and Chinese restaurant in our neighborhood. This is where they find Sam. Two masked men walk into the bar and say “come on, let’s get out of here.”
It’s a death symbol. Doubles, twins, the masks.
Death is minimized by this occult group as something like going to another location.

From this point, there’s all these quick cuts of locations cycling between Dante’s Inferno, a bar and music venue; Mary’s Club, a stripper bar (Courtney Love worked there), and Andrew Loomis’ gravesite

Mastered by Tad Doyle. The crow is drinking from a Benson bubbler. This is Dante’s.

Surveillance sign on door, cut to Mary’s Club

Music Millennium Record store

At the end of the video, Sam helps to steal his own record.
Part of what’s going on, possibly, is Flying Heart Records says they don’t make any money, so there are no royalties being paid. But I think that people have simply been trained not to take Chris’ music or rights or professional aspirations seriously. His music is listened to in back rooms, like some kind of private ritual.

I have said before that the same community who helps get people killed are the ones creating memorial shows.
But what puzzled me most about this video was Chris’ little brother Jeremy commented on it.

I don’t understand any of this.
Sam was still alive when he made this comment. One thing I do know is Chris did not like the way Andrew’s gravesite was being treated like a party site.
I guess my first thought was “did you even know your brother?”
And after that I feel like I don’t believe a word he says. I don’t think he cares what Chris felt or thought. And I don’t think he believes in heaven, either.