April 6, 1994 – New York Times front page – clues
Every version of the story told openly is that Kurt Cobain was missing on April 6, 1994, but not in a public way. In reality, he was lying dead in his greenhouse. The story that I “received” (psychically) is that Cobain’s April 5 suicide was captured on surveillance video, and distributed or possibly even trafficked by the FBI/CIA to the usual suspects – journalists, celebrities, political leaders, global financiers, etc.
What newspapers like New York Times do when something like this is either being planned, or has happened (and this includes the 9/11 attacks) is sneak commentary in between the lines. Part of this is achieved with language, part with images, and part is achieved with juxtapositions – what articles appear next to what other articles. Also, as I said in an earlier post, the name of the reporter covering a story is often significant, as in containing a hidden reference to something.
Here is a small corner of the front page of April 6, 1994 New York Times that caught my attention. Cropping a portion of a document in a photo can bring out things you might otherwise miss. (Commentary below image)

In this section of the front page is an article about Serbian attacks on a Muslim town in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselić is Croatian. Also, throughout these issues I see what I think are allusions to the impending 9/11 attacks, which were manufactured to seem to be a grudge held by a group of radical Muslims against the US. I’m not saying that the attacks were not that – I’m saying that, like Cobain’s suicide, the entire situation was manufactured by the CIA from start to finish. In other words, yes, Cobain committed suicide, but he was also murdered. Yes, the 9/11 attacks were an attack on the US by a group of radicals, but it was also a type of false flag. In other words, with mind control technology, the human brain itself is hacked, hijacked, and weaponized. Our current legal system doesn’t deal with this, but it needs to, because the human brain is a powerful weapon.
There’s an article that says “Teamsters Strike Stops Activity of Big Haulers” by Catherine S. Manegold. So we have the word “big haul” and the name “Manegold” – not sure what to make of this but it seems like it’s something linked to finance. (Headlines I believe are created by editors, not the reporters.) And then, the article – and this was the beginning of a series of articles – that caught my attention first, was the article about Supreme Court Justice Blackmun retiring. Was Cobain seen as a type of Justice?
The thing that first caught my attention with this article was the sub-heading “Departure Is Unlikely to Alter Ideological Makeup of Bench.” Words that might be significant – departure, alter, makeup, bench. With regards to the word “alter” – there is a potential play on alter/altar and the idea of “alternative.” “Alter” is I believe a trauma-based mind control term for a secondary or alternate personality (I can’t recall where I’ve heard this, but I feel like I’ve heard it a lot) and yesterday it occurred to me that something of this could be implicit in the idea of “alternative” music which was the industry-friendly word for grunge and grunge-adjacent music of the 1990s.
The word “altar” appears at the end of the Cobain suicide note. “Frances, Courtney I’ll be at your altar” – but to me it looks just as much like “I’ll beat your altar.” Deaths are fetishized.
Francis is a person caught in the middle but Courtney was old enough to have agency. I no longer feel much empathy for her. Not after seeing what happened to Chris Newman. And the truth is, she knew this was going to happen to Kurt and to Chris and she actively played a role in bringing it about. She herself does not possess true empathy. I saw her bait and switch Chris with regards to things like she was going to write a book and mention him so he wouldn’t be forgotten. Around 2016 she told him that she remembered he had taught her to play guitar, which, if true, would be a very sweet thing to say in a book, though he didn’t remember teaching her to play guitar. When she did have someone call him about a book, that person only asked Chris about other random people, implying “you don’t really matter, Chris Newman.” Courtney didn’t call him herself. And she never wrote the book she’s been saying she’d write for years. It’s all bait and switch, wash rinse repeat until he’s dead. And then the community fetishes another fresh kill.
I’m sick of it and I sure don’t want to be next on this disgusting menu.
Back to the New York Times – look at who wrote the Judge Blackmun article – Linda Greenhouse.
“I just don’t want you to be shocked – that he’s a Blackmun”