Rock & Roll Hell now available to stream
I’ve made the 2002 Zeno version of 1983’s Rock & Roll Hell available to stream via all the usual sources. Full album downloads can be purchased from Amazon. This is the long version, combining the 1983 cassette with the New Years Eve 1982 “Napalm Beach – Live At the Met” (where they opened for the Wipers) CD and some songs from another performance opening for Wipers at the 13th Precinct.
The Wipers set from New Years Eve 1982 was released in 2018 by Jackpot Records on a separate album. This seems to have been a pretty important night because from what I understand it would be – unbeknownst to Chris at the time – the last night of the club. The Met closed New Years Day 1983. This – along with other club closures in Portland and Seattle – became part of the motivation for Napalm Beach leaving Portland for San Francisco later that year. Fittingly, the first song of the Wipers’ set was “Alien Boy” with the lyrics “go and get your gun because you got him on the run, he’s an alien…” The last song of the Wipers set is “Mistaken Identity.”
“Target – to be a target for reaction… to be a target for destruction”