More observations about Whitey: United States of America v. James J. Bulger
I’ve watched this 2014 film a few times and am still trying to parse it. Before I had seen it, I knew almost nothing about this case. The thing that is particularly interesting to me is this issue of how information and money was moving between Bulger, Bulger’s associates, and the FBI. Secondarily, the idea that the FBI may have concocted a fake informants file is also interesting. And also, it’s really clear that the film makers and even the interviewees are dropping a lot of coded clues about the situation I’m investigating.
Right now, I’m of the opinion that that the relationship was one of information sharing between Bulger and the FBI. I am also of the opinion that 700 page informants file is concocted – and likely that it is exactly 700 pages is as relevant information as anything.
But is the file concocted at least in part from bits of information that were linked to Whitey, but came through other informants who were themselves linked to Whitey? Or maybe a more relevant question is why would the FBI concoct a fake informants file about a real informant?
What I suspect about Whitey and about other people who ultimately have to face the FBI down in court, is that they had a working relationship that the FBI has an interest in covering up. Others I suspect that may fall into that category are Ghislaine Maxwell and Larry Nassar. This is just a hunch based mostly on the pattern of people who are involved in significant crimes far longer and far more brazenly than should be possible. Also, trauma based mind control is linked to molestation and trafficking.
I don’t have enough information to answer the questions I have about that 700 page file, but there are other things about that movie that suggest a widely known but covered up relationship between Bulger and the FBI, linked to the our situation, and the entertainment industry.
The film opens with this shot of Boston from the water – like skimming, gliding, or hovering over the water. I see this imagery all the time linked to this crime – this idea of being suspended over water, like you might be dumped in at any moment. Behind this is music which can easily be described as grunge-like.
Later in the film, as Bulger associate Kevin Weeks begins to describe his association with Bulger and working at a bar called Triple O’s a new sound is heard in the background – a wah pedal guitar that to me, immediately evokes the sound of Iggy and the Stooges.
The Ramones were a band that were Iggy adjacent in some ways. Joey Ramone was a singer who often pronounced words differently than they were written. “I wanna be well” always sounded to me, for example, like “I wanna be whipped.” I always thought the beginning of the song “Pinhead” – “Gabba Gabba we accept you as one of us” sounded like “Gabba Gabba WEEKS…” Pinhead, I’ve asserted, is about having biomedical implants (“pins”) stuck in your head.
Actually, there are a lot of seeming references to Whitey, Weeks, and the Winter Hill Gang in songs going back at least to the 1970s.
Another thing I’ve noticed as I’ve researched bands and the venues they played over the years, is that there are actually a lot of instances of venues in different cities with matched names, and sometimes it really does seem deliberate. This kind of thing seems to be a type of signaling, a type of signaling that suggests they want people “in the know” to know something about them. There was a club in Seattle, 1980-82, 122 Cherry Street, called Baby O’s.